My current artwork explores ideas relating to having been adopted at birth: identity, duality, home, family, separation, connection and belonging. In my Rearrangement series, paintings and collages of abstracted domestic scenes serve as personal narratives.

I create visual dissonance by fragmenting objects and interior spaces. My process begins by cutting up images from interior design books. Elements from scenes stimulate associations: furniture groupings with familial relations, plants with growth, patterns and colors with moods. I combine selected pieces to form a symbolic arrangement. Fragmented spaces relate to dis/connection and sense of place in my adoptive and birth families. The collages often inspire paintings, where I build on the story. I often play with contrasts, such as interior vs. exterior, formal vs. playful and familiar vs. mysterious. In my most recent works, I have begun thinking about shrines and devotional arrangements. Ultimately, I create to understand and surprise myself.